Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How I started with bikes

I’m Jake Alvarez, I am a father, a husband, I am a graphic designer and a photographer. I bike to work Mondays to Fridays. I’m not good at riding bikes when I decided to ride my bike to work. In fact, I have very little experience in riding a bike. It is very evident, you will notice it when you ride with me, there are still parts of the road where I’m have difficulty in navigating. I learned to ride my bike when I was in 6th grade. My friends younger brother Jason lend me his bike and I practiced in their long garage (they have 4 jeepneys that fit in that garage.) I started by just pushing the bike with my feet, fast enough that the bike would roll and I can lift my feet of the ground. Then one day Jason (who owned the bike ) and his friend MJ said why not try it out on the street, we’ll watch you. They said they would not laugh if I fall. So off we go. They were excited as I rode off pedaling the bike, they cheering me on up until the end of the street. I did not fall that day. But the joy and happiness and the big smiles on our faces that day. The 2 little guys felt so accomplished. More in this in the next post. Up to this day I still can’t do any tricks, like wheelies, I can’t even take my hands of the bars. It’s just that I want to ride a bike going to work and far away places occasionally. I’ll also write more about why I decided to ride my bike to work and what inspired me to ride a bike going to far away places. Stay tuned.

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